
Landing Vehicle Tracked

Landing Vehicle Tracked

This project would not have occurred without the help of countless individuals and groups. The following individuals and organizations played both large and small roles in the development of the trail and should be acknowledged for their contributions.


CNMI Historic Preservation Office

Coastal Resources Management Office

American Memorial Park

Pacific Marine Resources Institute

NMI Humanities Council

Marianas Visitor Authority Office

Dive Marianas (Susan Marchetti and Mike Tripp)

Saipan Aqua Jet (Scott Eck)

Aqua Connections

Dive Saipan

Poseidon’s Maidens Dive Boats

Genevieve Cabrera


Valeo Films Inc.

Heritage Victoria (Peter Harvey)

Northern Territory Recreation, Environment and The Arts (David Steinberg)

Florida Public Archaeology Network (Della Scott-Ireton)

Ash Fowler

Rachel Katz

Ships of Exploration and Discovery Research

Flinders University (Jennifer McKinnon, Jason Raupp, Emily Jateff, James Hunter, John Naumann, Jun Kimura,Karolyn Gauvin, Matt Hanks, Shawn Arnold, Sam Bell, and Jeff Pardee and the 2009, 2010 and 2011 field crews)

American Battlefield Protection Program (Kristen McMasters)

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Advanced Imaging and Visualization Lab

National Park Service’s Submerged Resources Center

Windward Media

Western Australian Museum (Vicki Richards and Jon Carpenter)

Cosmos Archaeology (Cosmos Coroneos)

Starmer Systems (John Starmer)

Finally, we would like to thank all of those people past and still present who willingly or otherwise were involved in the historic event that we have been privileged to research. We hope that through our efforts we may capture and interpret the importance of your participation in such an occasion of world history. This project is dedicated to those individuals who lost their lives and to those who did not.